Instituto San Juan Bautista Educación Secundaria
Nación 573 (2900) San Nicolás, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Te./Fax (03461) 430937.

23 de junio de 2010


Los invito a visualizar el blog de Actos Escolares, en el cual encontrarán el Festejo por el Bicentenario de la Patria que se realizó el jueves 20 de mayo en la Plaza Belgrano. En una mañana radiante de sol, toda la comunidad del nivel Secundario (alumnos, docentes, padres, familiares) se hicieron presentes para recordar con una mirada adolescente los momentos más importantes de nuestra historia en estos 200 años. Cabe destacar, que el evento realizado por el Nivel Secundario, se sumó a los Festejos organizados por los niveles inicial y primario de la institución durante la misma semana y en el mismo lugar.
A su vez, en el blog de los Abanderados, podrán observar fotos de los alumnos que con orgullo portan y escoltan las banderas nacional y bonaerense durante el presente ciclo lectivo.
La Dirección.

Welcome to the bicentenary year!

I invite you to see the school ceremonies where you will find our celebrations for the bicentenary of our nation on Thursday 20th May at Belgrano Square. In a beautiful sunny morning, all the secondary school community (students, teachers, parents, families) were present to remember, from a teen view, the most important events of our history in these 200 years. We should tell you that this event, which was organized by the secondary school, was one of the series of celebrations which were also organized by the kindergarten and the primary school during the same week and in the same place.
Finally, in the flag bearers’ blog, you’ll be able to see the photos belonging to those students who proudly carry and escort the national flag and the Buenos Aires province flag during this academic year.

The Head

(This excerpt was translated by the 3rd form students Fabio Freggiaro and Florencia Rodriguez and proofread by Ms Marina Pasutti)

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